Past workshops and classes
Out of the Pause
I invite you to: Out of the Pause – a unique class series about the nature and meaning of inspiration and initiative. How do leading innovators, creators and wise thinkers of our time do what they do. When the need for change and inspiration arises we have the unique opportunity to respond to that need by calling on the body to deliver a message stirring us to renewed purpose and calling. Utilizing the 5Rhythms® Movement Practice, Mindfulness Techniques and Expressive Arts Therapies we will explore the nature and purpose of the Pause. We will discover new directions, inspired motivation and new meaning in beginning again. We will ignite our imagination and fuel our desire for healing and growth finding balance and renewal along the way. Our investigation is grounded in the body as we activate inner resources of creativity, awareness and embodied expression. Start over, redo it, begin again, do it differently, begin anew or fresh all lead back to the source. Through our Dances, Drawings, Writings and Enactments we will touch upon this source and be inspired in our endeavors.
Begins Tuesdays August 16th 6:30-8:30pm
firehouse Performing Arts Center
1314 Harris Ave., Bellingham, WA 98225
Contact Scotty@ScottyLewis.Com
Drop-in $12
Beyond the Gap
Developing a new Perspective as we Explore our Inner-World DIRECTLY.
A Six-Part Committed Study Group using the 5Rhythms Movement Practice and Expressive Arts to EXPLORE DIRECTLY new frontiers in our relationship to the world around us.
This series will focus on Mindfulness and the way we PERCEIVE ourselves and everything around us.
The PRACTICE is to take-in whatever is around us in a more DIRECT WAY, not clouded by filters of feeling, associations, memories or fantasies and root them in the immediate and present moment.
The PATH CREATED, leads us from conceptual knowledge, where we think and perceive everything in the usual ways, to DIRECT CONTACT and an expanded way of experiencing everything as NEW and FRESH.
We will go beyond what we do habitually. We will identify our greatest obstacle to being OPEN, AWAKE AND ALIVE. We will polish the lens between ourselves and the way we view our relationships, shifting our allegiance from thinking-mind to mindful-awareness. Our goal is to be able to receive what the world offers clearly without interference.
Tuesday 7-9pm March22nd – May 3rd (April 19th off) —- $10-$17 Sliding Scale, Preregistration required to Scotty@ScottyLewis.Com.
Firehouse Performing Arts Center – 1314 Harris Ave. Bellingham, WA 98225
Building the Bridge
Six Part Series
I am offering the expressive arts classes in a different format this year. We will work in chunks of 6 two-hour classes in a series.
As some of your may know, Expressive Arts is a somatic-based investigative practice which begins with us, the self and is fueled by a question, issue or problem. The inquiry involves passionate self-search, self-dialogue and self-discovery that flows creatively out of our inner awareness, meaning and inspiration. We will identify and immerse ourselves creatively using movement, drawing and writing. We will illuminate aspects of our challenges and view them under the light of compassion. We will make meaning and fully examine what we have awakened within us. Finally, we will anchor in the body with creative enactment, what we have learned and how it will enliven our lives.
If you have some work you have been wanting to do, or if you just curious about what you might discover about yourself: the next series begins January 19th, registration is required. Contact Scotty@ScottyLewis.Com. 360-738-7275
Tuesdays 6:30 – 8:30pm
January 19th – 23rd
Firehouse Performing Arts Center
1314 Harris Ave
Bellingham, WA 98225
$10 – $17 per class, sliding scale, up front
This is a committed study group where we will explore our personal issues and themes creatively over six two hour classes. Using the Tamalpa Life/Art Process® you’ll experience increased self-awareness and an expanded creative range of play as we dive deeply into the issues that challenge us most – enlivening ourselves through movement and creativity
This is an experiential workshop where we attempt to unravel the complex emotions and use the creative process to support the expression of what is true for us now, in a life affirming way.
Movement-Based Expressive Arts affords us the honored pleasure to be of service to the memory and legacy of our losses and loved ones in a creative way.We will use movement, drawing, writing and enactment to explore the personal myths and narratives in search of meaning. We will use our creative resources of embodied expression to catalyze understanding to promote healthy change, renewal and reconnection with our losses or loved ones.
Body Part Mythology Series – Next Offering TBA
Enlivening ourselves through movement and creativity
An embodied journey & exploration using: movement, drawing, writing, sound and performance enactment to explore body part themes and associations to unearth our own personal myths.
“Our body parts and our dances serve as archetypes for our life story—the templates for our personal myth.” ~ Daria Halprin
In this series we focus on the entire body to experience themes that are uniquely relevant to our individual life-narratives and challenges. This aspect of expressive art therapy is a meditation and inquiry into life-long patterns that have held us back or diverted us on our intended path. We examine and touch upon the places in the body where, Daria Halprin says, “our suffering holds us in its strongest grip”.
5Rhythms® – see 5Rhythms® from the home page for details.
“The 5Rhythms® initiates us back into the wisdom of our bodies and unleashes movement’s dynamic healing power.” ~ Gabrielle Roth
When we practice the 5Rhythms, this moving meditation, we trust the healing and provocative powers of the creative process. Awareness to personal growth and healing takes time. Along the way we discover and develop resources, somatic, emotional, mental and spiritual, in order to replace the outworn patterns that keep us stuck.
We will explore and experiment with dance and movement as a mindfulness meditation practice and in such ways as to promote a more direct perception of our life events and promote the reshaping and healing of unhealthy patterns. I think that we all have our own unique and healthy life patterns. Practicing the 5Rhythms to activate those patterns, and perhaps even spending a life-time in the search of those healthy patterns, is a holy and sacred thing.